Chat with a consultation therapist and answer a few questions to get started.
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Start therapy
Begin the journey towards a happier and healthier you.
Benefits of Talkspace
No appointments or child care needed
Ongoing support — express yourself in real-time
Seamlessly switch therapists, at no extra cost
Flexible plans to meet your needs and lifestyle
Whitney Taussig, LCSW
Licensed Talkspace Therapist
Bisma Anwar, LMHC
Licensed Talkspace Therapist
Renee Daley, LCSW
Licensed Talkspace Therapist
Janelle Corrie, LCSW
Licensed Talkspace Therapist
Jill Daino, LCSW
Licensed Talkspace Therapist
Georgiana Avram, LMHC
Licensed Talkspace Therapist
Therapy with a licensed therapist
Talkspace is the most convenient and affordable way to get mental health support. Share your preferences and connect with a therapist who understands your specific needs.